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Mental Health

Gina Rodriguez on Hashimoto’s, Equal Pay, and Learning to Fight For Herself

When I spoke to Gina Rodriguez on a recent Wednesday night, I was still pumped from attending a press screening of her latest movie, Annihilation, earlier that day (a fact that Rodriguez met with delighted

Skin Care

10 Simple Beauty Tips For Hands At Home

Our hands need as much care as our faces. They carry out most of our daily chores and handle several harmful products. So, we have listed 10 beauty tips for hands to make them look

Mental Health

Stress Relief: When And How To Say No

Is your plate piled high with deadlines and obligations? Are you trying to cram too many activities into too little time? If so, stress relief can be as straightforward as just saying no.Why say no?The

Healthy Living

I Ate 4 Pieces of Fruit Every Day For 2 Weeks, and No, I Didn’t Gain Weight

After reading all about the nutritarian diet outlined in the book Eat to Live by Joel Fuhrman, MD, I embarked on the Six-Week Plan he outlines to get started on the nutritarian lifestyle. He believes

Fashion Week

You Might Already Own Karlie Kloss’s Chic (And Affordable!) Shoes

There are many reasons to envy those exotic creatures known as models, but the damage they do to their poor feet isn't one of them. Walking up and down the Fashion Week runway can be

Skin Care

Eucalyptus Oil For Skin: Benefits, How To Use, And Side Effects

The popularity of essential oils in skin care is increasing. These oils seem to offer important skin benefits with minimal side effects. One such essential oil is the eucalyptus oil. The oil comes from the

Eating Tips

Vegan Bliss! Peanut Butter Brownie Bites With a Protein Kick

A dessert isn't dessert unless it's decadent and delicious, but no one said it can't taste amazing and also fill some nutritional gaps while you're enjoying each bite. These chewy brownies are disguised as fudgey,

Eating Tips

Heck Yes! These Protein-Packed Gummies Are Pretty Much Like Healthy Sour Patch Kids

When you hear of the word "candy," you probably visualize an overly sweet treat that overwhelms you with a week's worth of sugar in just one bite. But if I told you that a healthier

Eating Tips

The 4-Ingredient Protein Shake Adriana Lima Drinks After Working Out

Protein shake recipes don't have to be complicated. If you're running low on time or you're a protein-shake newbie, Adriana Lima has the perfect recipe for you. The model revealed to POPSUGAR that a protein

Skin Care

Spray Tanning: What Is It, How Does It Work, & Is It Safe?

You don’t have to soak up the harmful UV rays to get the much-desired sunkissed look. You can skip the part, save your skin, and flaunt a glorious tan with spray tanning. It is an