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Mental Health

Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson Posts an Emotional Instagram About His Mom’s Suicide Attempt

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson first rose to fame throwing down hard in the WWE ring, later making a name for himself in Hollywood with roles in action movies like the Fast and Furious series. Now,

Eating Tips

The Protein Ball Formula to Customize Whatever Flavor Your Heart Desires

Protein balls make such an awesome pop-and-go healthy snack; they're also incredibly easy to make and an awesome raw alternative to baked goods. If you've been following our protein ball recipes, it's time to try

Eating Tips

This Dietitian’s Cooking Hack Will Make Your Oatmeal More Filling (and Help You Lose Weight)

If oatmeal is your go-to breakfast, you probably love that it's a great source of complex carbs and fiber. Unfortunately, it's not so great in the protein department. A half-cup serving of steel cut or

Eating Tips

Keep These in Your Freezer For a Quick Post-Workout Treat

Sipping on a protein shake after a workout is a great way to help your muscles recover, but if you're not careful, you could be consuming so many calories that you end up gaining weight.

Skin Care

Clindamycin For Acne: How To Use, Benefits, And Side Effects

If you have struggled with acne and used prescription medicine, chances are high that you have used clindamycin for acne at some point in time. This topical antibiotic is used as the first line of

Mental Health

How to Deal With a Shy Bladder That Makes Peeing Way Too Hard

Basically everyone would rather pee in the comfort of their own home instead of in a public stall. But for people with paruresis, also called shy bladder syndrome, peeing in public can truly be impossible.