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Category: Skin Care

11 Must-Try Easy Homemade Pomegranate Face Packs

Pomegranate is considered a superfood and has immense health benefits. However, do you know that it can also keep your skin healthy? You can use DIY pomegranate face masks to get glowing and healthy skin.

Bumps On Areola And Nipples: Causes, Diagnosis, And Treatment

Have you ever wondered why your nipples have little bumps on them? Don’t be concerned! Fortunately, many changes in your nipples are usually harmless, and many aspects of your nipples – from little bumps to

Green Tea for Acne: Why It Works, How to Use It, & More

Green tea is excellent for maintaining your overall health. It is also used in skin care products for its skin-soothing benefits. However, there have been claims that using green tea for acne can help ease

Garlic For Acne: Does It Work And How To Use It Safely?

Several things you find in your kitchen can be used to treat different ailments ranging from skin issues to respiratory illnesses. Garlic is one such ingredient that is believed to treat many skin conditions. You

Stretch Marks On The Shoulders: Why You Get Them And How To Prevent Them

Stretch marks on the shoulders are quite common. They are especially common when you follow an intense workout routine that focuses more on building muscle mass on the shoulders, stretching the skin. Stretch marks on

Anxiety And Itching: Symptoms, Identification, And Treatment

Anxiety is not merely a psychological problem. It can present itself as a physical symptom, as well. One such symptom of anxiety is itching. This sensation can occur anywhere on your body, including your arms,

Hidradenitis Suppurativa: Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment

The red and painful bumps on your skin may not always be pimples. Instead, these skin breakouts on your neck, armpits, or groin could be a chronic skin condition called hidradenitis suppurativa. You may not

10 Amazing Benefits Of Glycerin For Oily Skin – How To Use It

Glycerin has immense skin benefits and is one of the best ingredients for oily skin. One of the key benefits of glycerin for oily skin is that it attracts moisture from the air to keep

6 Benefits Of Amino Acids For Skin, How To Use, & Side Effects

Amino acids are gaining popularity for their skin benefits and safety. You can use amino acids for skin rejuvenation and hydration. They are scientifically proven to be effective in solving skin care woes.Amino acids help

Flax Seeds Benefits & DIY Face Masks For Beautiful Skin

Flax seeds are all the new rage when it comes to superfoods. However, rather than following a trend blindly, you should be well informed of all the important facts about flax seeds before including them